
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Awesome People

Over time, a blog takes on a personality.  That personality is usually an aspect or extension of the blogger's personality.  The personality may not be easily pegged or defined, but it's there none-the-less, just as unique as its author.

And because each blog is unique it offers its readers something no other blog can offer: a glimpse into the heart, mind and soul of its author.  And what I've found is that behind every awesome blog is an even more awesome individual.

So I've set myself on a mission.

I'm huntin' awesome people! 

But some of you awesome people like hiding, being elusive and playing hard to find.  You want me to work, dig, crawl, climb and wedge myself into the various nooks and crannies of cyberspace in order to catch you.

But catch you I will.

I'll catch you because your awesomeness demands that you be caught.  It begs to be paraded for all to see.  And I intend to put it on display next month.

I'm planning an Awesome August by introducing awesome people to other awesome people.  I've already caught some of you, but not all.  And if I don't catch you, it won't be for a lack of my upper middle-aged legs trying.

So, be vewy, vewy quiet.  I'm huntin' awesome people!


  1. This is a really cool idea! I'll email you back a little later when I'm more awake. :D

  2. Great idea Jeff. I am truly looking forward to your 'Awesome August'. :-)

  3. As long as you're not planning on nailing any heads on walls, it sounds great :-)

    1. Hanging them on virtual walls is okay though, right? ;-)

  4. As long as there aren't any pronoun troubles ;)

    1. Oh, Terry. If pronouns were the only things I had troubles with my life would be a breeze.

  5. I'm looking forwards to seeing this. Just how are you planning on catching these elusive awesome people? Peanut butter?

    1. If peanut butter works then I'll use it! But I hear that some people will write for cookies, chocolate and caffeine too! Alas, I may have to resort to Twitter DMs or blog comments for a few though. Me thinks they know who they are too! ;-)

  6. Sounds...awesome. (Sorry!:D) I look forward to seeing what you come up with! :D

    1. That word will be used a whole lot next month, Liesel! And I can hardly wait!

  7. Sounds interesting. Is there a legal limit to how many bloggers you're allowed to catch?

    1. There's no limit to the quantity, but I do have to throw the small ones back. :)

  8. Hi Jeff, nice to meet you. Your mission of hunting down awesome bloggers sounds interesting. I am sure you will have fun along the way and meet new people.

    1. Likewise. I really enjoyed Alex's guest post on your blog. They don't come much better than him.

  9. This is a great idea. I was recently awarded a creative blogger award from someone I'd never met, even virtually, and it came with no strings attached. As in, no divulging embarrassing details about oneself, no requirements to tag anyone, just a nice award to "hang" on my blog like so many heads. It was very inspiring. So, yeah, what I'm trying to say in my verbose way is that it's awesome to tell people they are doing a good job. Writers have it tough enough as it is. I can't wait to see your awesomeness in August. Will there be awesomesauce served, as well?

    1. "No strings attached" is always great. My wife makes good sauce. Perhaps I can get her to whip up a batch!

  10. Replies
    1. Sounds like an evil gingerbread man challenge! LOL And I do love a challenge.

  11. Hi Jeff!

    I have also been seeking awesome people, which led me to your blog. You should REALLY consider joining up with the guys at Dude Write, because you seem like a perfect fit.

    But not only would you be a great fit there, you will also find a TON of great bloggers in your quest.

    I'd also be interested to find out how I could possibly implement a "progress bar" on my blog. Or at least find out where you found the code. Unless you created it yourself, which would be super-baller.

    1. Welcome! I'll have to check out Dude Write. First glance at their site looks interesting.

      For my progress bars I use: You specify word count, goal, color and size. It presents you wish a preview and the HTML code to reference it. In my case, I just added the widget and used the HTML provided.
