
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sunday Surfing

I was a little skimpy with the links last week and for that I apologize.  Those dang priorities.  Hopefully this week's batch of links will make up for last week's batch.

Surf's Up!

How to Blog (A Beginners Guide for Authors): Part 1 and Part 2

Write Your Author Bio Now

The 13 Trickiest Grammar Hang-Ups

Slushpile and Editor Mind

Fantasy Faction discussion forum

Get Started Guide: Blogging for Writers (Focused more on WordPress)

The Physics of Science Fiction  (Yeah, I get nerdy.)

10 Questions Your Readers Shouldn’t Have to Ask Free and .$99 book listing (Flurries of Words)

Don’t Get Rejected Before Agents Even Read a Word


  1. So many links! I'm especially intrigued by the last one, since I never seem to get past the querying stage....

    1. It was a good article. Good luck with your querying!

  2. Replies
    1. I'm glad! I learned long ago to embrace the nerd within. ;-)

  3. Thanks for the links, but I would be more than happy if I could learn more about blogging. I am totally lost! How can I generate more followers? I write on a lot of other blogs, but I feel I get very little in return. I just feel puzzled as to how some people get hundreds of comments. {Sigh} It is very disheartening.

    1. Hey, Megan! I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask about gaining new followers. I've come to the conclusion that a smaller count can actually be better in some regards. Many people won't comment on blogs that have thousands (or even hundreds) of followers. And the larger a target audience grows the more I scrutinize my posts and hesitate to click "Publish" to the point of obsessive proofing.

      However, following and corresponding with other like-minded bloggers, commenting on their posts and "advertising" when you have new posts available (via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.) are almost a necessity.

      Just keep in mind that people join other blogs for a wide variety of reasons, most of them selfish to some degree. And a person's tendency to comment is just as unpredictable.

      I, for instance, rarely post a comment unless I feel like I have something worth saying, whether it be a thanks, a (hopefully) witty remark, a question, etc. Take poetry, for example; seldom do I feel qualified to comment on it. I like it, but often poetry's subtleties are lost to me.

      I do, however, try to always reply to comments on my blog and usually do so via the blog so that others can see and know that I appreciate, read and respond to them.

  4. Replies
    1. Sometimes. And then sometimes I sit and scratch my head with that unmistakable expression of confusion, whispering to myself, "No way." 'Tis fun finding the little gems strewn about cyberspace.

  5. Awesome awesome!!
    Love these links!
    I know they will come in handy!

    1. Excellent! If one person finds one link I provided helpful then I consider my efforts a success! (There really are some good articles out there to be found. I just wish I had more time to hunt them all down.)

  6. Thanks for sharing all your new-found treasures with us! :)

    1. You're welcome! Life is more fun when sharing!
