Rest assured, writer, we will be published, whatever the cost.
Do not approach me unannounced, especially when I am writing.
There is no honor in writing without revising.

A writer never breaks his promise.
You have never seen rejection? Then look, and always remember.
Writers never quit.
I've noted that some people use writing as a shield. They tell much, but show little.
Proofread this!
If writers cannot handle a little critique, how will they handle bad book reviews?

I am beginning to see the appeal of this storytelling.
In writing, there is nothing more honorable than finishing.
You have fully written ten chapters. You may now publish.
Good story. Nice cover.
Words come later. It is the scent that first speaks of inspiration.
Less Facebook. More writing.

Procrastination should be illegal.
Writers do not pursue publishing. They conquer that which they desire.
At the first sign of betrayal I will kill him, but I promise to return the manuscript intact.

It is a manuscript, a warning. Beware, a successful author is about to arrive.
Push! Push, writer! Push!
My writing class was not like this. That process was very orderly.
You look for validation in the wrong place. The true test of a writer is not without, it is within.

I have much to teach you about revision!
Writing, I will not be complete without you.
Qapla'! You are a writer. You are capable of anything!