Wow, ten months have simply vanished since I last blogged and this place here is
dusty! (And I'm sneezing--for real!) Alas, I've not been idle all this while. Overtime and I have been inseparable, but I've managed to do a wee bit of writing and plotting. However, my writing desk is no longer dedicated exclusively to writing.
I desperately needed a creative outlet that I could actually do after draining my brain at work, so my writing desk now doubles as a painting desk! Yup, I decided to try my hand at another form of art. It's a fantastic diversion and I'm really enjoying it. And I might actually be improving.
I chose acrylics as my medium and am using canvas panels for the most part. (I see little sense in wasting good money on mediocre canvases to hold beginner art.) I did, however, finally acquire some "quality" paints after much persuasion. I started using them just recently (beginning with the black and white "depth & contrast study" painting below).
There are some wonderful beginner-level tutorials on YouTube produced by folks who really try to teach. I must tip my hat to Ryan O'Rourke at
Ten Minute Painting Tutorials. The first four paintings below were derived from his videos. There are, of course, many others out there who do a fantastic job as well.
Who knows? Maybe one day I'll improve enough to do my own book covers! (I'm allowed to dream; I do, after all, write fantasy.)
The paintings below are listed in chronological order based on date completed, but they were all completed this month. (Just finished Road Runner today!)
8"x10" |
8"x10" |
5"x7" |
11"x14" |
5"x7" Black & White paint only (Depth/Contrast study)
16"x20" ("Team Mascot" at Work) |